At the 'Hand Off Our Hotels' demonstration, police used tear gas and pepper spray, injuring some protesters.
Tuesday, 18 Jun 2024 00:00 am


While demonstrating for the 'Hands Off Our Hotels' movement, a number of protesters have got hurt.
Following the use of pepper spray by the police, four individuals allegedly got medical attention from the ambulance service.

Protesters near the Jubilee House insisted on continuing beyond the agreed-upon end point at Christ the King Church, and this incident ensued.

Some demonstrators reportedly tossed sachets of water at the police when they violently stopped the procession from moving forward.

Several people were hurt when, in the midst of the situation, some police officers used pepper spray.

At one time, tear gas was also used to disperse the throng.

Bernie Mornah, a former national chairman of the PNC, blasted the police for what they did.

At what point in time did the police start hurling tear gas? He questioned why the demonstrators had the audacity to disperse a nonviolent demonstration that had reached its peak.

He implied that "the IGP must wake up from his slumber" and added, "that unprofessionalism by the Ghana Police must cease."

Mr. Ablakwa then handed a copy of the petition to a Jubilee House representative amidst tight security, bringing the situation back to a more peaceful state.

The transfer of state-owned properties to government officials, according to Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, is an obvious and intolerable misuse of authority.

The Ghana Police Service had previously reassured the people that sufficient protection would be provided to guarantee a peaceful and well-organized march.

Many different groups and individuals have joined the demonstration in their opposition to what they see as a harmful and immoral deal. This includes opposition political groups, concerned citizens, and civil society organizations.