Aboi Nkwanta Residents Face Crisis: Flooding and Road Damage Due to Mining

The main road connecting Aboi Nkwanta to Samreboi and its surrounding areas has suffered significant damage due to rampant illegal mining activities in the Amenfi West Municipal. This vital transport route, once a reliable thoroughfare for both residents and traders, has become increasingly hazardous, jeopardizing the safety and livelihoods of the local population.

In the heart of Aboi Nkwanta, a mining operation has sprung up alarmingly close to residential homes, located just behind the houses and mere feet from the main road. This site, characterized by its lack of adequate infrastructure, has proven disastrous for the area’s drainage system. With insufficient space for the waste water generated by mining activities, the water flows onto the road, leading to dire consequences.

Over the past few weeks, residents living near the mining site have been increasingly affected, particularly after heavy rainfall. The deluge has caused flooding in the area, as the water has no safe path to follow. Consequently, parts of the road have been eroded, leaving it narrow and treacherous. Larger vehicles, including trucks and buses, have found it nearly impossible to traverse this once-busy route, forcing drivers to seek alternative paths.

Drivers traveling from Asankrangwa have been rerouted to either the Sureso or Wassa Dunkwa roads to reach Samreboi, adding significant time and distance to their journeys. The residents of Aboi Nkwanta awoke one recent morning to find the road in an even worse state than the previous day, exacerbated by overnight rains. This degradation is not just an inconvenience; it poses a severe threat to public safety and local commerce.

Many residents express frustration, believing that the ignorance or inaction of local leaders has allowed this crisis to escalate unchecked. Despite numerous complaints and pleas to halt the mining activities, little has been done to address the situation. The mining site lacks proper infrastructure, such as drainage systems for water diversion, which could mitigate the flooding issues.

As the situation continues to deteriorate, drivers and passengers alike are calling on the Municipal Chief Executive and other authorities to intervene immediately. They stress that the health and safety of residents are paramount. The damage to the road not only affects individual drivers but also significantly disrupts local trade, making it increasingly difficult for traders to reach their customers.

The community of Aboi Nkwanta stands at a crossroads, facing the urgent need for action to protect their homes, roads, and livelihoods from the ongoing threat posed by illegal mining. Without prompt intervention from local authorities, the future of this vital transport route and the well-being of its residents remain in jeopardy.

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